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Fairy Tale Essay 



Aysia Armour

Fairy Tale Essay



   “Cinderella”, “Snow White” and “Rapunzel” are all classic fairy tales told to little children during their childhood. But where did the       stories actually originate from? The brothers Grimm heard stories from Germany, which were passed down from generation to generation . As the brothers began to write they started to see themselves as patriotic folklorist, used their stories to teach manners, and    showed us the meaning of happily ever after.


      The Brothers Grimm stories are very popular some stories we have heard of or some we have read to our children. The Grimm stories have originated from Germany passed down from generation to generation. When the brothers were younger poetry tales influenced them to start writing. When they started going to school their studies for medieval started to grow and they started to publish books .The year 1812 came around and the grimms had their first book published.  They thought themselves as folklorists. Because most of their stories came from Germany to keep their natural tradition alive they wrote a story in their language during their time period. Most of their stories are made to teach a lesson or to keep our promise and to obey our parents.  In their stories the Grimms made it really important that we know what happily ever after truly means.(Living in the world 44-57)


 During the Godfather death there was a poor man who had twelve kids and who expecting another child, also he worked the night shifts to feed them. One night the thirteenth child came and the poorman felt like couldn’t take care of his last child. The poor man went searching to find the first person and that was the right person to raisehis last child. The soon to be godfather saw the poor man lurking around told the poor man that he felt sorry for and he took pity. The man said that he would be the godfather for the child and the father asked who are you and the man said that he was god. The godfather said he would raisethe child to be rich and become a doctor save the lives of people. The father wasn’t convinced of what the god father was saying and was worried about what would happen to him when it was his time. The god father gave him his word that this son will come and take care of him.


  In story Godfather Death reminds me of the time when my cousin became my big brother. After my uncles death my aunt went into a deep depression well my cousin was only a child. She wasn’t going to work and really taking care of cousin.So my grandmother and my mom would step in and help out with him sometimes his mother would come and take him and sometimes she would take me and my other older brother to her house. One day my aunt had disappeared. My grandma and mom were upset and took my cousin away from her. My grandma had custody of him until she got sick and passed away. A couple weeks later my mom adopted my cousin and he officially became a part of our family.


The Grimms really made us stop and think about real life solutions. Whether it was saving something that they love or teaching a lesson or making a point and showing telling us what being truly happy is. The brothers Grimm were very talented at writing and telling stories.





Works Cited


The Brothers Grimm. "Godfather Death." Fairy tales .1812.Gutenburg Project 2008 <www.Gutenburg .Godfather death>.web



O'Neil, Thomas. Guardians of the Fairy Tales the Brothers Grimm. 1st ed. Boston: Wadsworth, 2014. 44-57. Print.









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